Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Social Engineering Red Flags

PDF 0-day Vulnerability

Last week, Adobe warned customers that a few new exploits that target Acrobat Reader were being exploited in the wild. Keep an eye out for patches that are expected soon. The exploits are particularly nasty, as they use a new blackhat technique to escape the sandbox technology used in reader. The irony is that this sandbox was created to prevent the impact of vulnerabilities such as these. PLEASE BE VERY CAUTIOUS BEFORE you open any PDF you did not ask for. Link: http://www.adobe.com/support/security/advisories/apsa13-02.html

The link below is a Social Engineering Red Flag document (yes, ironically it -is- a PDF) with the 22 Red Flags you need to watch out for. It contains Kevin Mitnick's 30+ year hacking experience distilled into one page you can stick on the wall!

Link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/knowbe4.cdn/SocialEngineeringRedFlags.pdf

Source: CyberheistNews - http://www.knowbe4.com/cyberheist-news/